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Here are 5 predictions of the latest technology trends in 2021

Technology continues to evolve from time to time. The presence of COVID-19 has also succeeded in influencing digital transformation. What technology trends will dominate in 2021? Read more here!

Throughout 2020, people around the world have adapted to the new normal due to the presence of COVID-19. Not only in socializing and interacting with others, adaptation also occurs in the world of technology. Throughout the year, all business sectors of the world community are required to digitize in accordance with current technological developments and trends.

This proves that technology is capable of disrupting most sectors of the business industry. Therefore, it is very important for modern society to adapt to the latest technology. Starting in 2021, Forbes announced the digital transformation of 2021. What are the predictions of technology trends in 2021? Read more here!

5 Tech Trends for 2021 You Should Know

1. 5G Network

In recent years, we often hear about the development of the latest mobile phone network, namely 5G. There are several advantages of the 5G network, for example the network can connect to household appliances, phones, and cars and has a 5G network speed that can reach 800 Gbps per second so you can download 30 movies with HD (high definition) quality in a second.

At least, until the end of 2020, there are 101 cellular operators spread across 45 countries that offer 5G services. Indonesia is also planning to immediately accelerate the existence of the 5G network.

With the advent of 5G networks, humans are predicted to be increasingly dependent on smartphones and smart devices. In 2021, 5G networks will become more mainstream. In addition, several mobile brands such as Apple and Samsung are rumored to be releasing 5G phones soon.

2. Hybrid Cloud is Increasingly in Interest

Hybrid cloud is a combination of public cloud and private cloud. Hybrid cloud can manage private cloud and public cloud by using tools in different cloud environments. In 2020, many large companies, such as AWS, Google, and IBM have invested in hybrid cloud systems. In the coming year, hybrid cloud will be used as a strategy by many organizations or companies.

The development of hybrid cloud technology will also be increasingly in demand because it is more flexible to use compared to previous versions of cloud technology, especially in the development of company operations which are now required to move digitally.

3. Cyber ​​Security

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has made the digital world more and more developed, has created a high need for cybersecurity. The use of cybersecurity systems is predicted to be a necessity for both the private and public sectors in the future.

The amount of data collected in the digital world makes hackers interested in hacking. Reports of cyber attacks in the midst of a pandemic are increasing and have major impacts, both for individuals, organizations and companies. The work from home policy makes companies increasingly increase the security of company and employee data. Therefore, in 2021, cybersecurity will be more in demand.

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Data, AI, and machine learning are the three things that are now widely used by companies and will continue to grow in the years to come. These three technologies can help organizations or companies solve problems on a larger scale. For example, the use of AI technology is predicted to experience a new chapter, especially in supply chain planning.

Evolving software and frameworks are also driving companies to make AI technology development a trend in 2021.

5. Improving Technology to Support Work From Home (WFH)

The percentage of information technology (IT) workers worldwide who work from home is predicted to increase in 2021. Not only that, in the coming year it is also predicted that there will be more technology-based companies. This certainly urges the presence of various new technologies and applications that can support the productivity of working from home.

Those are five predictions of technology trends in 2021. It's good if you study them first before the trend is widely used by every organization or company.